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There are many different reasons as to why people use bicycles. This may be for transportation, leisure, exercise, or all three. It is important for all bicyclists to be cautious riders while they are out on the road. This is because, unlike other vehicles on the road, bikes do not offer people any protection from hazards around them. This is why all bikers need to wear protective gear including helmets, padding, reflective wear, and more. Doing so can assist a rider in the event of an accident, but not completely prevent them. It is possible for a bicyclist to be involved in a serious accident with another vehicle. When this happens, the rider should retain the services of an experienced personal injury attorney.

Causes of Bicycle Accidents

When a bicyclist is involved in a severe accident, they can sustain injuries that have the potential to impact them for the rest of their life. This can include concussions, broken bones, spinal cord damage, and even brain damage. It is because of this that it is important to contact an experienced attorney to fight for compensation. Some accidents can be a person’s own wrongdoing, but others can be due to the negligence of another party. Actions that can be considered negligence that lead to bicycle accidents can include the following:

  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol  
  • Reckless driving
  • Using electronic devices without hands-free technology
  • Distracted driving
  • Driver fatigue

Seeking Compensation

It is important to know that a bicyclist who is involved in an accident with another automobile may be eligible to recover compensation. This is awarded as coverage for any damages that stem from the accident. When pursuing compensation, there are different ways to do so. If the injured biker has their own car, they may be able to receive Personal Injury Protection (PIP). PIP is no-fault insurance that car insurance policies offer to victims of accidents with an automobile. This provides them with compensation to cover the damages. This can include medical bills, lost wages, lost future wages, and more. 

When an injured party does not have PIP insurance, they can recover compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. This exists to hold a negligent party liable for the accident and injuries that happened as a result of their behavior. During this process, the injured party is required to prove negligence. This can be done with evidence that satisfies the burden of proof. Evidence that can be used to do so can include medical documentation of their injuries, pictures or videos of the scene, and any witnesses.

Contact our Firm

Attorney Newman has represented clients in Pennsylvania for over 45 years. If you need an experienced attorney to help guide you through the personal injury claims process or with any criminal defense matters, Attorney Newman is ready to help. Contact The Law Office of Neal E. Newman today to schedule a consultation.

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